He just stared at her from the flickering images as car headlights grew brighter and brighter from the screen.
Emma turned the tv off and ran up to her and Emily’s bedroom. She slammed the door and sunk to the floor hugging her knees.

“Why are you always so loud?” Emily mumbled from her bed.
“What’s wrong?”
“I saw him again. In the tv.”
“You need sleep.”
“I was awake. He was there!” Emma nearly screamed.
“Okay. I believe you. But you’re probably just tired. Go to bed.”
Emma sat and stared at her sister. Was she just tired? She changed into her pajamas and climbed into bed. Laying there for a bit, she saw the necklace sitting on her nightstand.
“I didn’t put this here,” she whispered to herself.
She stared at the little bird until she fell into a deep, restless sleep.
The next morning was no better. Emma woke feeling like she was in a fog. She looked around, confused about where she was for a moment before remembering it was home. She sat up in bed, the room empty, shivering at the coldness on what should have been another hot summer day.
“Emma,” a soft voice called to her.
She looked around for who was calling her.
“Emma,” it called again.
“Who’s there?” she cried.
The bedroom door slowly swung open, fog rolling in as the image of the boy walked in with his hand outstretched to her. She let out a blood curdling scream.
“Go away!”
“Emma. Come with me, Emma.”
She jumped up and ran to the bathroom door to her right, slamming the door behind her. The fog rolled in under the door as the light flickered.
The door swung open with the boy walking toward her.
She sunk to the floor next to the sink crying. “Go away! Go away!”
She hugged her knees and cried, until someone grabbed her shoulders and shook.